Live For You!!

by MandiMae   Jun 16, 2007

I try so hard to live for you,
But with my friends there's nothing I can do.
With my friends I'm so uptight,
That I forget to do whats truly right.
I ditch my true identity,
In hopes my friends will like me.
What more is there for me to say,
But for forgiveness is what I pray.
I have but only one true friend,
he promised to be there till the end.
Jesus Christ God's holy Son,
he my friend, the only one.
I know it hurts you when I sin,
So today Satan does not win.
I come before you on bended knee,
Knowing that you have already set me free.
I am humbled by your unfailing love,
that comes to me so freely from above.
Today I start my life a new ,
And live my life just for you.
To you O Lord my past I release,
That you may destroy every piece.


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  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    This is a daily struggle for me. you try adn try to give your testimony and live for god, but it's just....hard. but a good thing to remember is that dying for us was....hard too! god bless you!! <3

  • 17 years ago

    by RavishingEruption

    I am a Christian gal. I loved it. No matter what anyone else ever says. That is an awesome poem. Thank you for giving me the pleasure to read it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Valdo

    I like this one alot more than what ive seen so far i tihnk it's awesome you wanna live for the lord but to take of the mask of who people want you to be is the first step

    i love that you wrote this it's such an inspiration keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by Brittney

    It's good to no that one more is living their life for God. That's the way it should be.

    I try so hard to live for you,
    But with my friends there's nothing I can do.
    With my friends I'm so uptight,
    That I forget to do whats truly right.
    I ditch my true identity,
    In hopes my friends will like me.

    That part really got to me. That's what happens a lot. Now that you have made a change though, don't let others drag you back to where you were. Living life for God is so much better than trying to impress any friend. Even though you might lose some you have the ultimate friend. The one you can always count on because God will always be with you and he will never leave you.

    I really liked the poem though. Keep up the good work.

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