Stop me, I'm travelling through time and I have a curfew of 9

by Espoirfailed   Jun 16, 2007

Years will fly by,
Like the background noise that was once the foreground.
I remember when that was all you ever were.

But now situations sing their severity
And wear it like a proud medal, and pray for teachers to mark their work
And give the grades they desire, when all is said and done.
There's only the sun,
That pulls us round with this gravity,
And I'm floating because I lost mine,
And a stitch in time saves nine.

Nine minutes till two.
51 minutes too late.
You met me at the bus stop at 8. And as they say
Buses come never or two at a time.
And I think that's how we should describe your heart and mine.

But it was really that one night that changed it all.
The field rolled like the bottles and stubs out of our hands.
And they clasped on to each other like the magnetic field that
Keeps this world in motion.
I knew your girlfriend but we pretended I didn't.

Particles move slower in liquid.
Or do they?
They have more freedom.
It was the liquid that lifted our inhibitions and we dreamt of stars and electric gates and kids names.
Then we woke up and sobriety beckoned like the postman to the dog.
That was the name you gave me.
Friends fall out over simple things.
But waterfalls flow and they never stop,
Nor does time.
I'll keep your secrets locked in mine.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Prophecies In Kodak

    You should have broken this up a little bit more. Like for instance, my favorite part was this..

    Nine minutes till two.
    51 minutes too late.
    You met me at the bus stop at 8. And as they say
    Buses come never or two at a time.
    And I think that's how we should describe your heart and mine.

    Try formatting is like this next time..

    Nine minutes till two,
    51 minutes too late.
    you met me at the bus stop
    at right around eight.

    and as they say it
    buses come never or two at a time
    and i think that is just how
    we should describe your heart and mine.

    See how much better it flows together? Up to you, either way I think that verse made me fall inlove with you in a strictly poetic sense. Haha. I truly loved those lines though, and the entire poem. It was quite sad write and overall had a lot of substance. It left a lot for the reader to imagine and I appreciate a poem like that.

    Excellent Job.

  • 17 years ago

    by C Cattaway

    I meant the 'unity' of poetic verse.. lol..!! xx

  • 17 years ago

    by C Cattaway

    Lol.. thankyou.. you say you don't like the until of poetic verse, and yet you almost brush upon it in a couple of places, and I think that maybe a way of you questioning your sincerity.. I think, subconsciously, that although you know he cheated, that you hoped it may turn out a different way, and I can fully understand that.. I think that this IS a great poem, for you have structured without structure, and you have expressed exactly what you feel. I wonder whether the use of the word 'liquid' was appropriate the second time, and I think it was used too much in such a short space, but I really cannot suggest anything other than that.. I really do like this poem. Well done. xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Lauren Waszkiewicz

    If your curfew is 9.. then this part makes no sense! =]
    Nine minutes till two.
    51 minutes too late.
    cause then your curfew would be one in the morning...

    anyways.. this poem really didnt do it for me.. the flow was off in many places. and it was just hard to read. idk.. oh well.

    i mean it wasnt bad.. but not great.


  • 17 years ago

    by xo kisses xo

    Beautiful poem! i love these lines

    Buses come never or two at a time.
    And I think that's how we should describe your heart and mine.

    very well done.

    xo kisses xo