A Diffrent rose.

by evil   Jun 17, 2007

You gave me A rose, a rose different from all you said, you said it was like me, different in many ways, the thorns sharper than the others, the stem more narrow than normal, the peddles long,flat,and narrow.
But, you said, the rose isn't red, it's black, black like your heart, you seek revenge for the ones who turned you against the world, silent for years, blank for a lifetime, trying to fit turn your unhappy life around, take the tears away, trying to make the scars on your arms to go away, trying to forget the once lost memories that haunt you, Trying to keep yourself from going insane, You stay from people who put you under pressure, they take your work and use it as there's, so yes your very different, just like the black rose.

-with love


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  • 16 years ago

    by xoxkatrinaxox

    I love the idea of this poem. the idea alone is excellant. but i think you could out more anger and power into it. like instead of revenge use vengeance..means the same thing but the bigger the words the more power you see..and it makes everything flow better...especially with such a powerful meaning to it. with a little work..it could be fantastic. but this is my opinion. but it is pretty good all in all.

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