At Last

by Rocky   Jun 17, 2007

All my presence died that day
As I breath to my memories
IGuess I'm closing down
Torn & tired
Of my hearts broken sound
As my promise has been broken
The essence of love is in rust
My chance in a million
But I'm the one turning pale?
As any color
apart from bleak
Is hard to express
& where you are
My thoughts are in guilt
So please just forget me..
Please forget me not...

It is time for me to go somewhere
And my ticket say's
All my dreams withered today
As the room grew silent
I guess it's growing cold
Dead calm now
Without my hearts sound
for what's it worth to me
When your not around?


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    All my dreams withered today

    *This was my favorite line of the whole poem. It made me very sad. I know that to me my dreams are very special and important and I would hate for them to be taken from me. I felt like you expressed yourself very well here. The flow was a little off in places but that didn't take too much from your words. Overall this was pretty good. Nik*

  • 17 years ago

    by Robert

    This was not your best work I feel you had two separate ideas and were not able to conbind them completely to flow. That and the Title through you off so bad that It was a wonder why you even made it for the title. The images were good flow was ok but the ideas were to far off the mark to really get any clear message from it. Plot121

  • 17 years ago

    by Hatori

    Hello :D
    Wow, this is a very powerful poem! Your choice of words was extremely good, and I could picture everything that you described. The ending was VERY well writen, and the flow worked. Hmm... Not much else to say, other than keep it up, and 5/5!

    With all due respect,
    The Illusionist