Fleeting glances,
stolen looks,
secret kisses,
the worlds greatest love affair?
or just someone living in fantasy?
cos fleeting glances,
stolen looks,
and secret kisses,
were never enough,
This isn't your favorite story book,
life is real so would you just look,
You're heading for a fall,
an observer watches seeing it all,
look in the mirror surely you see?
wake up to yourself,
set yourself free!
you're dreaming,
about to wake up,
quickly before it hurts you too much...
when reality hits you will soon see,
the reason this could never be.
lust isn't love and never will be,
this isn't anything but a little girls fantasy,
sorry its a bit rubbish but was going round in my head and when that happens its always better to let it out no matter how disappointing but sure if anyone likes it they can let me know