I have a shoe
and its called loo
whenever am down
i put on a crown
but my shoe called loo
doesnt like me when am down
so why not just take off my crown
now we`re being retarded
and now mel just farted
and now my shoe called loo stinks
and we`re sure mel`s inlove with tinks. (tinkerbell)
mel`s dress stinks
she doesnt know.
you go.
dont look at me.
i need to pee
*laughs out loud*
dont look at me
*michelle gives kim evils*
*then she laughs after she reads*
you`re very talented kim.
i`m sure you can swim.
i have a fin
and i store it in a tin
which looks like a bin
i think its a sin
and i want to win.
*kiM thinking*
is there any competitiOn?? (o.O)"