The Battle

by Tammy   Jun 18, 2007

My heart is throbbing in anger and pain,
The blood within me churns,
The vicious cycle starts over again.

Everything within me is waiting to explode,
The pain is aching to escape,
I am filled with heartache from my head to my toes.

I try to release all the pain,
By cutting both my wrists,
The steel penetrates my veins.

To attempt to hide what I feel,
Is a punishment in itself,
The pain makes is all too real.

The truth is this,
And I find it hard to say,
That I feel so alone,
In almost every way.

The anger inside me builds,
I find that it is a weakness,
One that I can not shield.

It hangs over me as shame,
There is no way I can doubt,
That this will be the same.

The same as the dark and dreary life,
That so many people live,
It can all be ended with a knife.

I feel as though I am ready to break,
Like I have to admit failure,
I have a huge decision I have to make


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