by nichole   Jun 18, 2007

I am me.

I am the whisper in the wind.
I am the wind itself.
The air you breathe.

I'm the raindrops that hit your face and the ones that splash on the ground.

I am the creeping shadows you see all around.

I am the blood that flows through your veins.

I am light.

I am the dream you dream. I'm the wish you make on that shooting star.

I can command the heavens and the earth.

I am the sweet music you hear. The sweet lullabies that sing you to sleep.

I run with the tigers. I soar with the eagles.

I am the eyes you see through.

I am the newborn child in the arms of its mother.

I'm a healer and the giver of life. I heal the blind and cure the sick.

I am the drug you shoot in your arm. The high you get from it.

I am the woman in the romance novel getting swept off her feet by the man she loves. I am the rockstar rocking out onstage to all my fans. I am the President of the United States. I'm the supermodel strutting her stuff down the catwalk. I am the grown woman in full control of herself. I am one of God's heavenly angels. A disciple of God.

I am the judge and the jury. I am justice itself.

I am freedom.

I am all things good and evil.

In my imagination I've seen things people only dream about. In real life I am none of these things, but in my imagination I am all of it. I am anything and everything.


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  • 17 years ago

    by GothChick

    Great poem! It is true that we are what we make ourselves out to be and in your imagination you can see youself as what you want! You explained imagination completely in your poem! Terrific work!