Take my Heart

by Sad But True   Jun 18, 2007

Today I give to you on a silver platter,
My life, my story for reasons beyond flatter.
I open up my heart, I don't want to create illusions,
This is my pain, my glory a heart open for intrusion.

I stand here infront of you like an open book,
I want to open up, share with you, have a look.
I want to have an utmost honest beginning with you,
No lies nor pretences, nor playing a game or two.

I want you to know who I am in this early stage,
I don't want you to like me now and later go rage.
Emotions like pain and pitty played a roll in my life,
Time made a difference, and I can get high on life.

I feel I wasted the last six years of a life had,
But thinking back, the lessons learned weren't half that bad...
I'll rather take my chances, and tell you my life story now,
I want to break the ice and this is the only way I know how.

I want you to know that I really care,
Life is but chances took whenever we dare.
The last thing I want is to get into your clothes,
I'd rather hold your hand, and give you a rose.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Honey


  • 17 years ago

    by Honey


  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie


    This is beautiful...I love this...this made me smile, and by the time I had finished reading, I was left with a smile on my face.
    Again for the most part flow is very good, I love the imagery you portrayed in this piece and both the word choice and rhyme scheme are enjoyable...beautiful work.

  • 17 years ago

    by tamara

    Oh my god this is beautiful
    i feel the emotion you must have felt so clearly
    i can only keep telling you that i love all of your poems they are amazing

  • 17 years ago

    by sadeyes

    I really love this poem and you write so beautifully