by Allie Jun 19, 2007
category :
Sadness, depression /
I played this game before so that means i am back again.But it is no thing because there is other fish in the sea.Supposely why did we both have to get caught in the net together. I guess people was right love is like a sea. So who's game am i playing his or mine? I wonder why i stared at his beautiful hazel eyes even though all of it is lies. i just want to know the truth why he stoped being my friend. he lied to me behind my back and infront of my face. how can he just stand there and lie to me. i wonder if he knows how i feel about him because while i stand there he just kissed this girl and looked right at me and gave me this face. how is he going to do that. if he was still my friend he wouldn't do that to me at all of his lies and tricks he played. he hid his face when i walked by how is that saying i am still your friend. i will never forget the time when we first met at the football field. i just smiled and he smiled right back at me. what happened??? to us was it my fault that we aren't friends or is it his fault?? i wish someone could tell me the truth not lies.... unlike him he is all lies to me. i want the truth about us. only what i can say is in the future he will be playing my game. I will become free. While he will be still caught in a net. Just don't look at me the same way you did when you were at the baseball games. But that is cool because now the game is back on you. |