
by Richard   Jun 19, 2007

Why did you have to leave us this way,
Why did you die on your own,
Why didn't you ask for help,
Why didn't you leave the pills alone,
Why didn't you phone me,or someone,
Now you are gone and I don't know why.

It must have been an accident,
You didn't mean to do it,
You fell asleep,
You are now with mum,
She has her little girl back,
You have left us before your time,
I hope you are happy now and at peace,
Its our loss but mums gain,
Rest in peace our little sis.

to Linda May ( 29/03/69 - 17/06/07)RIP little sis


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  • 17 years ago

    by Bekka Smekka

    I understand your reference to your little sis in your latest poem and such sadness is this. to loose someone you love is horrible and its great you can share it through your poems!!

  • 17 years ago

    by letmedie2night

    Sorry to hear that...i think your poem really expresses your inner feeling...catch up on my poem I WAKE its a poem on my loss too. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP HIGH