The Only Thing

by Robin   Jun 20, 2007

Twsiting around my mind
A torturous disease
You've sent me the one thing
You know could hurt me more than your hate

Forgive me but I had to
Survive this, too
I still want you
I still need you
I still love you

Flashing like lights on an empty street
The burning for the past fills my entirety
Nothing but the pit of loss
Rapidly scorching through my body

Eyes glowing through the dark
The eternal tunnel that is our love
Forcing myself to stay at the other end
Our last kiss is long gone

Screaming for the arms
That used to hold my heart
Right where I belonged
Nightmares of the bliss we had
A neverending reminder
That it was really love


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  • 17 years ago

    by paul alexander

    Well written keep it up
    and thanks for commenting mine

  • 17 years ago

    by Brook

    You definitely have a way with words. You make it so anyone who's been in a relationship before can relate in some way to your poem. this is amazing. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by bacha

    I loved it :):):)

    for sure its a very very gooood one:)::))

    I will give ya 5/5:);)

    keeeeep it up:):)