It's Mr. Mime Time

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Jun 20, 2007

It's Mr. Mime time, so listen to what I have to say,
Because in the past; we've always done it your way,
You can sit there and pout all you want; but you see,
This time; I'm going to do what I think is best for me.

Choke back your pride and look into my blue eyes,
Try to see over your ego and suffocate your lies,
You can fake a smile; you can pretend to be happy,
But Sweetie, the masquerade just ain't fooling me.

You say you love me; but do you love me enough -
To keep on going when the going gets tough?
I've changed my life for you; I've altered my ways,
But I've just been lying to myself up until today.

I've seen the future; I got this picture in my head,
But it's crumbling apart from the words you said,
"It's me and you forever; nothing will change that,"
It got my hopes high; but they're starting to go flat.

You can stay there; holding onto my broken heart,
But until you decide you love me enough; we stay apart,
The distance between us is growing every day,
But it's Mr. Mime time; so listen to what I have to say.

-Jenna Elphick
June 19, 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    Excellent, as ever. Just one line I don't like:

    "I've changed my life for you; I've altered my ways," just doesn't flow as easily as the rest. To me it stands out as being rushed.

    How about:

    "I've altered my life for you; changed in every way,"

    You're not changing the wording much, but it suits the flow of each stanza much better I feel.

    Still, tis your poem Miss!