Alone Once Again

by Marly   Jun 20, 2007

I've said it every time you leave
I've said good bye so many times before
But for some secret unknown reason
This time good bye seems so much more

You're holding onto to me once again
It's just another short good bye
But as you turn and walk away
I feel the tears well up in my eye

I've seen you go countless times
Each time making it all on my own
But now I see you leave my life
Now I feel so scared and alone

I'll be waiting for you once you're gone
Since you've leaving me like you always do
Never staying for the important moments
Away from my life when I needed you

As I see your face staring back at me
As you looking at me through the window
I feel like chasing after you screaming
"Daddy please I don't want you to go"

The car drives away into the distance
The words are quiet but I faintly say
"All I ever wanted was you with me,
A dad who would be there every day"


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Omg!! this is excellent the emotion you have in this writing is very good, very moving to read and a lot of people can relate to content. good job and keep it up xxxxxxxxxx