
by haylie   Jun 20, 2007

I want to make you happy; I want you to love me.
I understand your feelings sometimes, but most of the time I am clueless.
My heart yearns to belong to you, but only if I got yours in return.
These feelings that are flowing through my blood are unbelievable.
Unlike nothing I have ever felt before.
These feelings though, scare the hell out of me.
To know that I like someone so much
Not know if the feelings are mutual.
I lay in bed at night just wishing that you would call me.
Because you had a bad dream, or just because you miss me,
I want to be the person you turn to when you are upset.
The person that you can count on no matter what,
I want to be that person so bad.
But I feel that I can not compete.
Truthfully I do not even know who I am competing against.
Sometimes it feels like I am trying to beat myself.
You have done what everyone has always thought to be impossible.
That is to tame me.
Before you I would cheat, lie, and do what ever I could to get a girl into bed.
I was Never loyal to any girl I dated.
I may not have cheated but my mind would always wonder.
But with you, theres no room for my mind to wonder.
My thoughts are filled with thoughts of you.
Now I know you are probably reading this and thinking oh shes naive. Shes childish. Or maybe you think its funny that you have gotten someone to fall for you.
I just hope you can see that what I am feeling is real.
And that everything that I have written is truly sincere.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Mimed Lovette

    Aww this is so sweet, reminds me of my ex (: But I love writes which are deep, true to the very core and it doesn't matter if it doesn't rhyme at all. I loved this piece anyhow and i think you should get a 5 from me (: