There is so much I have to say.
There has been so much yelling and tears,
For so many years!
But today is the day,
I give up on my father
We have tried to tell you
But your wife you listen to.
Your wife you'd rather.
You've lost your two children
The ones you disowned
Yet the ones you love so much??
It didn't seem real
Back when I didn't understand,
When I was a little girl.
Now it's all making me realize,
What a prick you really are.
You make me despite you,
For the way you treated us
For how you neglected us!
And made us feel like we didn't belong.
Made us feel guilty,
For your own dirty mistakes.
It's happened for too long,
And now it has to end!
And you've chosen Rosaria over your own flesh && blood.
You can have your wife
&& your 3 little girls
And have a good life.
Just remember in that cold hearted head of yours
That there are three girls out there,
That feel so much hatred for you
Yet long to draw you near
Not just your 3 girls
Your 3 children!!!