by krisy Apr 22, 2004
category :
Sadness, depression /
When i look in the mirrors today i feel scared because i don't see me i still see you and you are now smiling and saying what you did to me is what i deserve when really i don't think i deserved to have you ruin my life and my families life by raping me i know that you are gone forever but to me you are just in jail and going to get out and hurt me all over again and now you may even hurt me worst then before and that is how afraid i am of you getting out of jail and of me being free to live my life at the same time i see you in my nightmares you have ruined my dreams of living now all i want is to die because i have nothing to live for anymore because you took everything away from me and i just want everything you took from me back but nobody or anything can bring that back to me now can they??........!!!!!!!! |