The Truth

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Jun 21, 2007

I smile at you
I get a half smile back
I fall into defence
While you go straight to the attack

I run away
You walk slowly behind
I show you things
And you turn blind

I tell you about pain
I hear about your past
I talk about the future
You say we won't last

I try to talk to you
you don't even remember what I say
I try to hold your hand
And you move away

So is there something I'm missing
A pattern I can't see
Is the truth right there
that you just don't love me


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  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Amazing piece, I can totally relate. Every stanza is great, but this one's my favorite: "So is there something I'm missing
    A pattern I can't see
    Is the truth right there
    that you just don't love me"
    Keep writing, I love your work.

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