Feeling alone, holding back tears
Here I sit, hiding from my fears
This life is just so hard
On the inside I'm scarred
Staring at the wall
I wish to rid it all,
All my fears and pain
Losing this feeling would be something to gain
But no, life isn't fair
The pain and emptiness doesn't leave, it just stays there
And causes so much confusion
I wish it was an illusion
In this darkness I constantly wonder
Does anyone care?
I've been told by some people that they do
But when it comes down to it
I feel it's just not true
If they cared they would try to help,
Instead I go through this life on my own
In tears I begin to beg, beg someone to help
But with each word I say I feel more alone
Because nobody has come my way to help
Pretty soon I start to yelp
Every second more I am alone it gets harder to breathe
With each gasping breath I try to escape,
Escape from the pain
Then people appear all around me and I cry out to them
But no one responds,
As if I am invisible
I fall over and the numbness is more,
I fear I will lay here forever on this floor
As I lay my mind is busy putting me to shame
Saying this never would have happened if I had just been normal,
Not the weird freak I feel I am today
Soon I feel sharp pains shooting through my body
All the loneliness begins to grow,
My face I do not show
For my face is showing all my weakness
My mask slowly got ripped off
I hurry to try to hide my weakness
But it is so hard to fake that smile again
An eternity later I feel I will still be lying there,
Face hidden in the dirt,
And a body full of pain