You are the angel that resides on my shelf,
I remember buying you for myself.
The windup gear in your back,
Has grown old and begun to crack.
I cannot play with you,
It`s not as if you are new.
Your beautiful wings,
I now hate those things.
The wings that brought me to you,
They are no longer new.
The once silver feathers are now a dull gray
I hate to think this color will stay.
Even now when I think back,
I remember seeing millions of you in a stack.
The boxes aligned so carefully,
As I looked around I saw you only.
You had shone brighter,
The steps around me grew lighter.
I reached for you and took you from the stand,
It was then I know why you were so grand.
Your wings showed so whitely against the dark window,
I wondered quietly why now one else seemed to know.
Nevertheless I paid for you,
They put you in a box the said *NEW*
I smiled and laughed,
Then grimaced and cried.
Now I look at you,
Your no longer new.
But then I smile,
I think to myself *It has been a while*
Carefully I rise from the bed,
As I get closer you seem more and more dead.
I get you off the shelf,
I know that I`m smiling to myself.
I think I`ll keep you a while longer,
But only because you`ve shone me how to be stronger.
As my first and only doll,
I bet you can recall.
The day I brought you home with me,
My family didn`t seem to agree.
They wanted me to use my money to buy for them,
Could they not see you where a gem.
Silently I cried to you,
All my secrets and fears too.
You never would yell or curse at me for being upset,
Making me who I am puts me in your debt.
So I can`t throw you out,
I guess I`ll keep you with a shine or without.