by .K.i.T.t.Y.
Your wording was the very best part of the poem. wait to go! |
by Solus
Sadly reminds me of someone I pushed away. One who said she'd never let that happen. Oh well, very good peom. But I think you already knew that. |
-Nothing's built to last |
by Midnight Sun
This comment is for you entering my very drawn out contest so thank you VERY much for your entry. |
by Prophecies In Kodak
This poem was actually kinda catchy, haha. I was reading the beginning and even though it was sad I was smiling at how well it flowed together. The poem is touching and sad and it points out flaws on both sides. Kind of gives you both sides of the spectrum. There's a lot between the lines that no one can understand but you, but you havent put them into metaphor form. Just left them for the reader to imagine and make them anything they want to their selves. |