To love a dream [part ll]

by Alissa   Jun 24, 2007

Heart shall whisper what it wants,
but the mind takes full control.
The dreams are controlled by the heart,
so the mind cannot stand hold.

Secrets lay in riddles night,
to awaken just confused.
But take your heart and follow,
what your mind does refuse.

Fairy tales and wonders,
leak into every thought.
But decisions and their choices,
shall make a heart forgot.

But adore what you want,
but remember to love steady,
for your dreams will come true,
whenever your heart is ready.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Alison

    5/5 Very well done. =]

  • 17 years ago

    by kevin Boundy AKA the ghost

    Great poem it hit real close to home i like it alot because its cryptic meaning was cloaked very well thank you for writing this poem it has inspired me

  • 17 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I didnt realise that this was the second part, when you entered it into the august contest at PFP.
    But you got third place for this wonderful, well written piece. It flowed so well and was inspirational and i loved the wording
    love always,

  • 17 years ago

    by Sharon

    Beautiful! i love the last stanza. Keep it up your very talented

  • 17 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Well written..and even better than the first part.

    good job! 5/5