by Elizabeth Ann Jun 24, 2007
category :
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Misc. poems
<<Julien entered the Gates of Elysium with Fade by his side, as was custom. Following in their footsteps came the hundreds attributing to the glow of colored glass within the Vast Antechamber. The crystal chandeliers sparkled when the kaleidoscope of high spirits struck them. Trinity bounded in blue and silver causing the causeway to release its lucent mist. When the Kindred breathed in the mist they became weary. It worked through them slowly, transforming. The Kindred turned, and became pure; this form of Trinity-**chas impervia** (invisible purity) was their duty. When the transformation was complete, they would cover Elysium restoring its exactness; and whilst in this state the Kindred transcended, becoming the light of creation. That was the purpose of the causeway mist. |