For the first time

by LiveLoveTy   Jun 29, 2007

Now you know what I think
Now you know my feelings
I've told you them before
But you were deaf then
You never listened

I always spoke nicely to you
About my feelings
I guess you didn't get it
I guess you didn't care

Why now?
Why tonight?
What did I do different?
O wait,
I know
I spoke loudly
I stood up for the first time

For the first time
I was aggressive
For the first time
I stood up
For the first time
I was the one talking and making you listen
For the first time
You heard me for me
I stood up

Yeah thats right
You heard me
Don't say you didn't
If you do I am not repeating myself

You caused this
You ruined two peoples lives
Now you're the player
But you can't play me
Not again,
never again

But thank you
You brought out someone else in me
You brought out the soldier
And guess what
I'm staying


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