Hello, Death. Goodbye Life

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Jun 30, 2007

I'm sitting here
So alone.
The only thing I fear
Is the Unknown.

Watching the sky
Turn to black,
I wish that he
Would just come back.

He takes away
This God-awful pain.
If only he would stay -
In his arms I would remain.

He owns my soul -
He is the keeper.
My heart he stole,
He, the Grim Reaper.

And so I take my last breath,
Wielding a knife,
"Hello, Death.
Goodbye, Life."

Now together
We will always be,
Bound by a tether
For all eternity.



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  • 17 years ago

    by Nix

    Wow, great dark poem. It really impressed me, imagery is superb. 5/5 keep up.

  • 17 years ago

    by AGirlWorthFightingFor

    I liked the first two self-examining verses, but then it went more out there and I wasn't feeling it at all. It seems like you were almost about to confess some deep inner longing of your soul, but chickened out at the last minute. Resist these urges in the future. Just write.

  • 17 years ago

    by Irish Sweetheart

    Very well written. Love it.