I know that i've done you wrong

by jazz   Jun 30, 2007

I know that I've done you wrong and I'm willing to make up for it i just wish that things between us would be different and i wanna make things right again please i know that even though that we weren't going out if felt like it for the past month when we were hanging out together i never felt the same when i found you and i never feel the same with you out of my life I'm always thinking about you every day and night when I'm working or when I'm by myself i just can't get you out of my mind i just hope that you can give me chance at being your boyfriend i know that way may work at the same place but it doesn't change anything about us working together

i know that I've done wrong but I'm willing to change my life for you please just i just want to know what it feels like to have someone in my life again i just can't believe that I've done you wrong for when you said that you were going out on a date with another coworker i can't believe that i got the wrong impression about you and i thought that you were leading me on but i guess not so I'm sorry for that also i didn't want to hurt you that badly and make you cry so please give me a chance


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  • 17 years ago

    by XxXKristie MarieXxX

    'i know that I've done wrong but I'm willing to change my life for you'
    That line is spoken by a true man who realized he's messed up but if he can write something like this and possibly say it, you no he truly wants to be forgiven and have another chance. Nice job!

    XxXKristie MarieXxX

  • 17 years ago

    by arlene

    Dam i can feel what ur feel u have a way with words