No More Steps Back

by Spirit   Jul 1, 2007

When you think about all the grief
and suffering in our lives
you remember others pain
their hard times and their strife

I want to take a step back
to help them through it all
I want to be the one
that will catch them if they fall

But alone I can not do this
I don't have enough days
otherwise I'll be holding back myself
at least thats what you say

We should all help each other
threw thick and threw thin
we need to act as if we are
in someone else's skin

Right now it's one step forward
but always two steps back
that's no longer good enough
and together we'd pick up the slack

In all of life's huge down falls
all we'd truly need
would be to never to take a step back
so as to let someone else in lead

[this poem is an inspiration to those who see the faults in the world and yet still do nothing about them. you may be more of a help than you think. also never go at any thing alone the more help you have the easer something will be. last this is also a poem for the leaders out there if you are really a leader you'll be able to take advice from others so that you both can step forward.]

{PS is this title alright because I'm not sure}


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  • 14 years ago

    by morgan

    I really enjoyed this poem. i added it to my favorites. i liked how it flowed. the title is very clever in my opinion. great poem 5/5:):):):):):)

    Morgan :):):):):):)

  • 17 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    Threw should the through

    i should be capitalized.

    Oh and let me know if you don't want to correct your stuff. Once one of my friends got pissed off at me because he felt that I didnt' care about the poem. I do care about the poem I just feel the need to correct them. He's still one of my closest friends though. :)

    I loved the message in the fourth stanza. It was very inspirational. :)

    two stepS forward

    5th stanza I think it's that*'*s

    In all of lifer's huge down falls
    I think you mean life's or lifes. I don't know on this one.

    As for the title wise...Hmmm I think you could do better. Maybe Two steps foward and one step back.

    I really loved this poem though. It had a great message the flow was wonderful as well. 5.

    I think thats what you say
    should be that*'*s what you say.