There is nothing wrong with me!!!

by barbara   Jul 1, 2007

There is nothing wrong with me just because im bi
i have been through hell and back
things have happened that make me distrust each guy
but there is nothing that i lack

i have had so much drama and pain
caused mostly by the men i once loved
so why would i risk going through it again
when i can halfway give men up?

it's not that im confused
about which "side" i am on
but the straight side has left me abused
and the lez side seems much too wrong

i am totally comfortable with other lez girls
but im sorry its just not for me
i guess you could say i have the best of both worlds
because this way just seems much more free

and the straight side will only leave me hurt
i know because it's happened before
it isn't worth it to keep getting burnt
when a girl gives me soo much more

maybe it sounds like an excuse
or looks like the easy way out
but this is me and its the truth
it's become part of what im about

and it isn't fair for you to say
you no longer look at me the same
i haven't changed in any way
and i wish your views wouldn't change

i love you with all of my heart
but on this i simply can not agree
this is just another part
of what is NOT wrong with me....


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  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni

    A very strong poem about how you feel about yourself. It is very good, and very insightful. You did an excellent job, and -while I am not a lesbian or bisexual- I enjoyed your poem.


  • 17 years ago

    by barbara


  • 17 years ago

    by Beauty In The Breaking

    Hey sweetie =) Sorry that I've fallen behind on your poems =P Anyway, that was a fantastic poem and GOOD FOR YOU! Stay who you are and don't let anyone change you into what they think you should be ^_^ A fantastic poem and full of such a feeling of freedom =) 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by T babyluv

    That was great i loved it ima lez but ive been on the bi side and i know exactly what you are saying....dam that was really good and no theres nothen wrong with u theres somthen wrong with straight

  • 17 years ago

    by crystaljean88

    and vey strongly writtin. i love it... i know the feeling of this also. but no1 knows about me yet. i can feel ur emotions in this poem, as if im u. wonderful job...i rate this a 5 of course