
by Rin   Jul 1, 2007

You say that you will love me and be with me forever.

Forever is a word that isn't final,
Things change,
Love is not always strong,
Different opportunities take place,
Challenges arise,
Yet still i will always cry,
People grow,
They learn new things,
And forget the old,
So tell me how am I supposed to be happy and smile,
When forever isn't guaranteed.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Yeka

    Awwww love this poem love it keep up the wonderful work (^_^) 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Megan

    Hey! its me! i havent been on...and i decided to find you! because you always sent me awesome comments and i love your poems! especially this one!
    this is my new hit me up girly!

  • 17 years ago

    by Megan

    That is so very true..i HATE that forever isnt actually...forever...things always change..but something good..some miniscule fraction of SOMETHING good comes out of change...but always something bad..and i HATE that i dont have control ove rit...control over the forever of now.