THINGS: i want to say to my mother

by Megan   Jul 1, 2007

*i said he was hot mom, i didnt mean it. i dont like boys.
*i'm GAY a LESBIAN. not bisexual mom...i'm gay.
*dont you ever wonder why i dont go out with guys?
*dont you ever wonder why the last 3 or 4 relationships were girls?
*IM GAY!!!! me + boys = EW, me + girls = <33.
*its not a phase mom. its not a fad. its ME.
*you told me to find myself...and this is me. cant you accept that? cant you accept me for me?
*why do you call me a poser? i'm not i'm just me. im not goth i'm not emo, im not prep or gangsta. im MEGAN for christ sake! are you jealous i'm someone you're not?
*you hurt me all the time when you say those things.
and you dont even know i cry myself to sleep every night thinking about it.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Rin

    Hun.. I am sorry your mom cant understand that about you... and I think it is cool ur a lesbian lets see .... all of my girl friends are bi so I live it as the norm ... and it makes you ... you as you said ... -huggles-

  • 17 years ago

    by Capri

    Dude.. you know she just doesn't want to accept it yet. But one of these days it'll finally go through her head and stay there. Keep up the good work, and don't let her get you down. I love ya meeegan :D 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by FountainsOfBlood

    Omg! That's deep!
    One day, you will find the strength to tell her. Until then, don't let her comments upset you. They are just words that she threw together that she probably doesn't mean in the end.
    Good Luck && Keep Writing
    Sarah xx