A Letter Home

by sadeyes   Jul 2, 2007

A letter came to my home just the other day
It was addressed To Whom It may Concern
As I started to read this sad and lonely letter
It came from a soldier who had no one
He said he was sorry if this letter was a bother
But this is the address he's mother lived at
When he joined the Army
But before he was sent away his mother died
On his deployment day
SO there was no who one cared if he just faded away
He wrote how the words he wrote seem so empty now
That the war could end tomorrow
But there was no where that was home now
He said for so long that this was his home
And thought that he would write
He told of his friends and them dying
How he saw a man blow up, he was so close
He could taste his blood
Now there are soldiers at his kids door
Telling them their daddy won't be home any more
And he said all he could see was a crying little girl
He began to think who would cry for him
I read that letter a million times than I replied
I wrote the soldier who reach my heart this day
That no matter what happened he would always
have a home
So I told him to keep his head low so he could return
A month went by without a word and I wondered
Did my letter find him unhurt
Than one morning the doorbell rang
As I answered I saw a soldier
He asked if he was welcome
I put my arms around him and told him to come in
All that day and night we talked of all the fights
He told me he was grateful that I was willing to let him
come home especially since I didn't know him
It was late at night and I walked him to his room
That night I prayed he would sleep in peace tonight
That morning I had risen to the doorbell again
I went to open it and it was soldiers again
They handed me a letter that the soldier wrote to me
And they went on to tell me they were so sorry
They spoke of him bravery and strength
Tears filled my eyes for I knew not what to say
I closed the door slowly and started up the stairs
I open the bedroom door and no one was there
I walked from the room crying thinking how could this be
My lonely soldier boy was here with me
As I read the second letter
He said he wish he'd seen my face
But a bullet hit him in the back
And he knew he was never going to make it home
But as I began to think I knew one thing
God, sent my soldier home to me
As a form of an angel so I could know
That the lost lonely soldier boy
Had found his way home and
He would never be a lone


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Poetic Justice

    That was Beautiful. Great Job!

  • 15 years ago

    by Andrew

    This is a sad story, it is really interesting though and drove me to read more and more. Its really sad how things went wrong but i believe wherever he is he is happy for you were willing to take him in.

  • 17 years ago

    by Beautifully Disfigured

    OMG! that made me cry! so very well written. good job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Sad But True

    Your poem has a very nice story and message connected to it. Very nice 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Tracy D Rollings

    WOW that was awesome , not to many people think of them at all and you wrote a very nice piece on the brave boys that fight for our freedom .
    Great poem well written very sad, great job, your friend Tracy d