I am a perfectionist that's been made.
All good, has it wrongs in my mind.
Eager and opinionated is all that I am.
I've got no morals, no strength at all.
I'm a girl who gets credit unfairly given.
Someone who's been out, to hurt them all.
Can't you see though, that's who I really am.
No more than a child, with hardly a brain.
After all, this was told to me in ways.
Direct or not, words were still harshly said.
Can you blame that girl who spoke it?
After all she's never on the wrong.
I never have deserved any slack.
I'm not more than a misfit in this world.
"A cutter, that's what slack you can have."
As the wise one had spoken before.
Nightmares are haunting, terrorizing my sleep.
What little I manage to earn that is.
It'll be OK though, it's never about me.
I shall manage just like I always have.