by xxurbanxlaydeexx   Apr 23, 2004

The abuse, the threats just make me cry,
Can't take it anymore just wanna die.
What if anything have I done wrong?
Cuz all this hurt has gone on too long.
To leave me alone you just won't do.
For a laugh at the pain you put me through.
I pray for a better day to come,
Where jealousy has no past tense of won.
You judge me by the way I look
But why do that as the same with a book?
Treat me the way you like people to treat you,
Let this be a lesson from me to you,
To stop you making others like me feel blue.
Just turn around and take a good look,
And think long and hard about the look you took.
Think about why you make me beg and plea.
Think about what makes you better than me.
Stop putting other people down,
Because you yourself , you're just a clown.
I can't cope anymore, I don't wanna fight.
But you hurting me, it just ain't right.

Copyright 2002.


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