Comments : Happy homes in America

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    Great job with a very important message.

    So here I am with this poem, proving to you all
    There is someone who cares for your family's aches, pains, and falls
    And my voice will be heard even if it seems small
    Because in American homes, love is what I'll install

    Sometimes all it takes is a small voice. Remember David and Golliath.
    Excellent job!
    Love Cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by Lu

    Godly advice is what my kids will be fed
    Because God wants our family's to learn to love instead
    Amen to you A.I.D ...

    And my voice will be heard even if it seems small
    Because in American homes, love is what I'll install
    you are wise beyond your years and your love and compassion will make a difference dear heart.

    Sing it to the world sweets and if they do not listen ... sing it even louder!

    Well done sweets ... well done

    Love Momma

  • 17 years ago

    by Andrew Morton

    I think almost anyone who reads this can relate to it, because the divorce rate is so high right now...i always have and always will envy the few families who can go on for life..

    "My pillow held so many hurting and devastated tears"

    I love that line!! because its so matter who betrays you, you're pillow is always there for you, haha...great work!!