He took my most prized possession
He took it and ran with the wind
He lied to me, and then stole what had always been mine
He didn't really love me, he just told me that so
He could steal my most prized possession
And run way down the road
He sweet talked his way right to my heart with corny little sayings,
I thought came from the heart
He made me feel as though I was his
Instead I find there are many mrs.
He told me he would love me forever
He told me we'd be together forever
He told me that forever was always, till the day we died
He promised me a ring
He promised me a future with him
He promised me the world
He promised me he'd always be their to hold
Now I sit here all alone thinking back to all those lies
He never did love me
He never did want to be with me forever
And he never will be their to hold
He took my prized possession
He took and ran away
He ran far away
To go and steal another prized procession
And then he'll run again