Loser. Freak. (Me).

by IdTakeABulletForYou   Jul 4, 2007

Nobody can bring me down,
It is my time to shine right now
-- Their words may pierce, but they won't sting...
Hell, I'm not even listening!

I'll make it through all on my own
-- I'm better now, I am all grown.
Nobody's perfect, nor am I....
-- But I will do my best to try.

And when I fail, I'll stand up strong
-- I'll know they didn't prove me wrong.
I said that I would give a try;
I kept my word: I didn't lie.

I'd rather be a loser than to be known as a liar.
I'd rather take the risk of missing just by reaching higher.
This is my first and my last chance
-- I must live life the best I can.

I will do my best, I'll give my all;
I will get up if I'm to fall.
I will not hide, I will not run
-- I'll prove my worth to everyone.

We all will end up in the ground
-- each heart will stop beating somehow.
The Rich. The Poor. The Good. The Bad.
We all will end up Dead Like That.

The only thing that I can change
is all the things that will take place
between the time of birth and death
-- I must make this life well worth it.

To breathe, I have to find the strength
to make a path at any length
-- I will succeed, I'll prove them wrong
(I had it in my all along.)

[I'm going to live on,
and you won't prove me wrong;
I'll give my best, I'll give my all
-- You'll have to learn to

I am me. I will always be me.
I won't change, no matter what you say.
Thanks for reading,
Please comment and rate honestly and accordingly.
~Stephen White


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  • 16 years ago

    by Pamela

    Today I was having a bad day and I ran across this poem in my favorites and I read it and just kept reading it then I looked through the comments and I saw that I'd posted 2 with the second one saying whenever I have a bad day I can read this and know that everything will be okay and this poem really does make me feel like everything will be okay. It makes you think about how you're better than everyone else and you will continue to be better than everyone else and that you are fine just by yourself and that you can do anything and make it!
    This is such an amazing poem like wow it's so expressive and really make you think as you can tell from everything I've written above! lol
    But it's just so good and nice job!!!


  • 16 years ago

    by claire

    Dude its awesome!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Kaitlyn Cabrera

    Absolutely amazing!


  • 16 years ago

    by XxBAYBiiGiRLxX

    Ruley amazing!
    love it! i related to it!
    great job!

  • 17 years ago

    by XxBAYBiiGiRLxX

    I really love this poem!
    I relate to it and felt all the emotional!
    well done!