Fall of the Marionette

by xPerfect Chaosx   Jul 5, 2007

Pure white skin made of satin
Hair black as night
Held up on strings
Not one scar is visible in the stage light

Pulled about on strings by a master hand
Gruff and cruel that Hand of Fate
The darkness beyond the stage upon which she dances
Cannot be penetrated by the angel's song

The scars upon her heart drip red
The internal screaming is silenced
Whispers upon the ground of a past left untold
Her glass eyes are unseeing

Her movements sharp and decisive
Footsteps silent and quick
No one in the crowd breathes
As they watch the intricate movements of her grace

One sound penetrates the silence
The drip of her blood upon the stage
The strings of her master
Cut deeply into her fragile perfection

Not one stirs in the audience
Not one breathes
If only they weren't there
Gruff and cruel the Hand of Fate

As her movements falter
Not one stirs
Her cries of suffering fall upon deaf ears
They continue to stare as the marionette slowly falls apart

As the darkness never rises
As not one sound is made
All the crowd, plastic by their own design
Leave without a word

The broken girl lay upon the stage
Silently screaming out for help
As the pieces of her are swept up
Never to be put back together

Gruff and cruel that Hand of Fate
As the strings are released from his grip
All the scars come to the surface of her translucent skin
And the drip of her blood continues unheeded

OK, this is a poem with a very deep meaning, so READ BETWEEN THE LINES. I hope you enjoyed it. Please r/r/c. Thank you!!


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Great poem. you have a way with words that make any one with a vivid imagination see it in there head. Awesome job 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Veamm


    the style suits to your vocab. the ideas are very powerful. i can feel the thoughts on this one. You have a vast vocab!

    keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Reapers ZeitGeiSt

    It's very deep and well writen...nice piece :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Cooper

    Beautiful. Once again, your words have amazed me. They create stunning imagery. You must have put much thought into this.

    And thanks for the comment; it brightened up my day, honestly.

  • 17 years ago

    by The DaveJon

    Very good poem there Danielle, moving and vivid imagery, reminds me of the song "Symphony of Destruction" by Megadeth. 5/5