This time it's over
I am taking back what's mine
I am keeping my heart
I'm going to be strong
And stop falling apart
It's now been 4 months
I must get better
I'll no longer cry
And soon I won't feel
Like it's the end of the world
Soon, my life will stop
Crashing down on me
Then I'll be able to sleep again
And it won't hurt so badly
That you are not here
It won't feel so deep
As I try to fill up
The emptiness
I'm convincing myself
Yes, I will find someone new
I won't be alone
There will be others out there
But deep down in my heart
I know there will never be anyone else
Quite like him
I regret losing him as a friend
I will go on my way
Moving forward
And not looking back
It's going to take time
But I'm determined
That I'll be okay.