Ways to Capture a Girl's Heart

by Valerie   Jul 6, 2007

Ways to capture a Girl's Heart

1. Hold her purse for her, or her shopping bags even if she says its fine.
2. Hug her from behind, even if she says she doesn't like it because she's lying.
3. Don't flirt with anyone else, not because you know she doesn't like it, but it's just wrong.
4. Be yourself, and if she doesn't like you for that then she doesn't deserve you.
5. Compliment her, once in a while and mean it!
6. Don't say I love you out of nowhere, but say it in the middle of a kiss or while hugging her.
7. Grab her hand or actually hold it when she's not expecting.
8. Be random. Girls like it when guys are random, but not too random.
9. Stick with her and her friends.
10. Talk to her as if you're talking to your bff.
11. Don't stick with her all the time because then it becomes annoying.
12. Understand her when she says no and support it. Most importantly understand the NO.
13. Write cute notes and put it in the popcorn bag before watching a movie in the theater.
14. Send her cute poems or quotes that YOU MADE UP (She'll know that you tried =P) and make her guess who wrote it.
15. Send her things unexpectedly.
16. When she's with her friends, don't be scared that they'd think something. Just appear out of nowhere and put your hands around her eyes so she can guess who it is (her friends will sure be jealous).
17. Don't approach a girl who has just rejected you, but wait a couple of weeks, so she can miss you.
18. Don't lie, but if you say a joke make sure it's a joke and not a lie.
19. If she's mad at the small things you did, don't say I'm sorry. Hug her from behind and say sorry.
20. When your friends talk about her, talk back.
21. When she gets in a fight with her friends, help her solve the problem by talking it through with her friends even if you don't know them. Although, you should know them if (followed #9) you hang out with her friends too. Chances are that her friends might fall for you. That's why don't make her misunderstand.
22. Even if she says things that you don't like, pretend you admire them.
23. You can act silly or dumb in a while, but the truth is girls like guys who are athletic and smart (good grades). That won't only attract her, but help you. Trust me, girls like smart guys, and not all smart guys are considered nerds.
24. If she tells you to wait for her, wait for her, and don't make silly excuses because we all know them.
25. Don't ever tell her she's like your best friends because she can misunderstand that.
26. Girls like it when you share your kid like side, where you can talk to her about anything, even if its the most ridiculous thing in the world.
27. Smile at her for no reason.
28. Hug her, even if you're in front of her friends.
29. Write "I love you" on the blackboard when everyone else is in class (that is when she hasn't entered yet).
30. Don't say forever no matter what because if something happens she'll regret it and call you a jerk.
31. Don't be too cheesy or romantically helpless. It gets to her nerves.
32. Don't share drinks with only 1 straw , but 2 straws head to head.
33. Take pictures of her and you or just her and put it on your cellphone or computer screen (even though sometimes she may never notice).
34. Never say, "I love you" to someone else, especially if they're your girl friends.
35. Never have a girl that is your best friend; the only girl that can be your best friend is her.
Continuation of how to capture a girl's heart
36. Tell her things that she'll never forget. For example: When its 11:11 it means I'm thinking of you.
37. Piggyback her when she feels tired.
38. Hold doors for her. Open cars for her. Gently go down slowly with her on high places (especially when she's wearing a skirt). Although, don't act like dogs.
39. Don't keep too many secrets. Tell her some, she'll be willing to listen.
40. If she tells you, her hair is messed up, tell her its fine and fix it.
41. If she goes, "My make-up is ruined and messy", tell her, "You look gorgeous even without make-up".
42. When you guys say goodbye, just walk away first and she'll be curious why you didn't say anything before you left. After you see her turn away, run to her and give her a huge hug from behind and then a kiss on the cheek.
43. To tell the truth girls rather guys make something for them than buying something expensive because she'll remember the present forever.
44. A hug makes girls feel better than a kiss.


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  • 17 years ago

    by NiCoLe ErIn

    Lol.....i like this....i had to give it to my b/f......lol......nice....

  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    U r totally right!!! Most of them, I already knew! Hahaha, so keep it up!

  • 17 years ago

    by Kelvin Masi

    Hey this is a sweet note, i've learnt a lot from your poem. I dont know if you follow this yourself(its a joke) anyways keep it up okay, you really doing a great job. Keep on shining!! 5/5