I Wish

by Natalie   Apr 24, 2004

Every moment my mind goes blank
all i can picture in my head is you
every time i look into your eyes
they make wanna cry

I wish for every moment i am alone
you would be there to comfort me

knowing i will never have you
my life will be no more
i know you wouldn't want this
but this is what i must do
my life is not worth living now that i met you
and cannot be with you

I wish everytime i wanna cry you would hold me in your arms
but none of that will happen now that i m gone

Now that my heart is broken into a million pieces
I will never heal from this
you broke my heart way to much for it to go back
oh how much i loved you was just a wack!

i know this is really stupid but it was my first poem..lol but i would love to see whut you think about it!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jacob

    It's not your best, but i still like it. You're so cool.

  • 20 years ago

    by Marisa Lishay

    i meant to say steer* sorry!

  • 20 years ago

    by Marisa Lishay

    your poem wasn't stupid, i really liked it, even though i haven't been in love yet. If your thinking about suicide, don't go and get professional help if that is what it takes, suicide is not the answer. There are better men then that creep who stole your heart, don't let him stter you down the wrong path.

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