All these words they put inside my head
have turned out so meaningless
All the things I've felt in me
have lost and regained their intensity
I wish they could hear the screams inside me
I wish they knew the pain it caused me
And I wish someone was by my side to help me up
when I fell down into the hole I find myself
I never was raised as a begger
And I've never been before this moment
but yet I find myself at my knees
calling a name that will never be heard
Life with me must have been so bad
you couldn't make it another day
Life without you is an empty placebo
I'm dying for a never gotten second chance
This feeling has damn near killed me
I find myself standing up holding my head high
I see the sun and I feel the light
my smile is fake but no one will see
This is the way you left me here
as a goddess on her knees