Open Your Eyes, It's Fixable!

by Jaime   Jul 9, 2007

Our fire is burning out now,
But the embers are not warm;
And our vacuoles are weakly,
Holding up a perfect form.

We haven't completely lost it yet,
So please, please just notice- stuff!
I'd go halfway to the moon,
But look, I'm not strong enough.

Hearts don't break, but people do,
And I'm just so damn broken.
By the words you choose to say,
And by the words you leave unspoken.

I need you to come fix me.
It's just freezing over here.
Remember that old dance of ours?
Don't let those heated steps disappear.

I know I can't make you love me,
But my fingers and toes are crossed.
We were the prettiest flower of all-
Don't leave me alone while the sparks are lost.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    ''Hearts don't break, but people do''
    That was wonderful...

    And I know it's true ...
    Because I was broken once
    And I had to heal on my own...

    Keep writing ...

  • 17 years ago

    by hadia

    Thats cute!
    I really liked it!
    great jobbb(:

  • 17 years ago

    by FridusBlueheaven

    Nice one. Like it very much 5/5 from me!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by 4eversum1

    This poem is so freaken beautiful. my favorite part

    "Hearts don't break, but people do,
    And I'm just so damn broken."

    perfect 5

  • 17 years ago

    by NIDAL

    Heart filled poem full of passion...your choice of words is great....keep up the good work....5/5 vote and commen on my latest "MY DOUBTS' "GIFTS OF SORROW" "DANCE WITH ME"