Alone inside and out

by ujustmeiloveu   Jul 9, 2007

Tremblin lips heart filled with pain..
i tried hiding my worries,i tried showin no shame..
my world had crashed leaving me alone..
i'm broken inside yet no pain was shown..
my life was filled with fears,my eyes were filled with tears..
for this i held that knife,the knife that took my life..
as i watch her read this letter her eyes fill with tears..
for now she knows how i handled my fears..
i notice im not invisible any longer everyone knows my name..
their searchin around lookin for someone to blame..
but there is no one everyone isn't the same..
but if only she would of found the letter sooner..
if only she could of opened her eyes, she may have realized what tru pain lied inside..
but all words remain unspoken..
i felt as hell was the place to be..
i know this because this girl who is spoken of is me..
my soul walks this Earth as i still cry inside..
everyone still talks about the night that i died..
i wrote that letter in hope for someone to care..
but no one did it jus wasn't fair..
so thats the night wen i took my life..
the pain was so intense i had to make the call of havin no life at all..


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  • 16 years ago

    by Caitie B

    Wow omg this is a reallly intense poem and so far its one of the best i have read in awile so hun keep it up and remember if u r in pain or anyone u no is in pain just remember that it does go away and get better=]]

  • 17 years ago

    by RescueMe

    Oh wow go danielle!!!
    hah yay you you finally gots another comment lmao i LOVE you && this poem rocks myy socks...

  • 17 years ago

    by Blaketooken's a really intense poem.Good job..keani lovez koa