He's Coming Home

by sadeyes   Jul 10, 2007

She answered the telephone
It was her husband
Saying honey I'm coming home
Her eyes they filled up with tears
Because she hadn't heard from him
for months
Not one letter did he return
So she sat there all alone
He told her to be at the air field
Giving her time and place
She picked up the baby
And packed her bag
Off she went find her husband
She was not allowed on the air strip
Behind the fence she had to wait
As she looked around tears filled her eyes
There was a bunch of families
Waiting for the plane to arrive
Than all at once
Everyone let out a big cheer
Because the troops were finally here
Families looked for their loved ones
When there coming from the plane was
her husband
She ran to his side
And the soldier cried
As her held his baby for the first time
God answered her pray
To bring him home safe
And there he was in her arms again

For the soldiers and families who went away to war


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by sadeyes

    That is a feeling no one knows but a soldier and his wife i thank u for this poem

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    This was truely beautiful. i loved it.
    the flow was a bit off at times, but it was still wonderful. i love the ending. i was half expecting the plane to crash or something, so i am very glad you ended it with a happy ending.

  • 16 years ago

    by unblue skye

    :( it brought tears to my eyes...it had lotsa feeling in it...good job!!



  • 17 years ago

    by Gasttlee

    This is beautiful and it is an honor to read a poem like this! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Tracy D Rollings

    Wow great poem and well written , love the feeling you poured into it , wording was great , wondeful job, your friend Tracy d