
by Shar   Jul 10, 2007

I had no clue
All you went through
Alcohol everyday
That did not go away

To hear the stories
As it played out
Was heart wrenching
There was no doubt

From what you say
No physical abuse was in play
Drinking heavily everyday
Is still not OK

You had that love
That all kids need
In the important years
So it seems

Your mother still cared
Stayed right there
The love was close by
Even when you would cry

Except for the alcohol that stayed
Your childhood seemed ok
A mother who was ill
Still had love for her little girl

You married a man
From the high school band
Alcohol still at play
You loved him anyway

Had 3 adorable boys
All very much loved
Too young to know
Why their dad was so ill

Alcohol was his thing
Did not matter when
Risking his families life
Was nothing to him

A man who leaves
A loving wife, 3 little ones too
To fend for themselves
Was a stupid thing to do

Now a single mom
With no where to turn
You tell yourself to stay strong
As your 3 little ones look on

No money coming in
Many bills to pay
You look at your sweet boys faces
All you can do now is pray

God is with you
Does not let you down
Guides you to a job
You would forever have not found

Times were tough
You managed to get through
Kept their tummies full
And gave a lot of love too

A long five years
Just the 3 boys and you
You did what you had to do
To stay a family thatâ??s true

They chose the right path
No drugs or jail
They had a loving mom
Who raised them well

Your boys are now men
Married with 2 kids each
Loving husbands and fathers
Alcohol does not seem to creep

In the family genes
Why does it seem
Hope and pray
That alcohol stays away

Dedicated to a special friend who did an awesome job raising her boys to become respectful, loving and caring men who have families of their own! Great job!!! :)


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