The diary of an unborn child

by samantha miller   Jul 11, 2007

It's early yet the month is one, you can not
see me, i've just begun, i'm so small i don't have to hide, i'm just a seed inside of you. 4 weeks later the month is two, i'm still small but a part of you, mommy you'll love me just wait and see, you will be so proud of me. time has passed the month is five my mommy killed me, i'm no longer a live. " Abortion" is the name they gave it, it takes your life before you'll live it. but if i would have, been born the month would be six. it's already done, it can't be fixed. guess mommy didn't love me, she threw me away, she'll never forget me in her mind i'll stay, i was beautiful but know i'm gone. only memories will carry on. If i was still around the month would be eight, i know my mommy would've loved me, now its to late. good-bye momment the month would be nine. i would be born and it would've worked out fine. although i'm in heaven i still cry, oh God mommy why, why did you let me die!!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Amy

    It's great but hard to read coz you haven't seperated each line. Fix that up and it'll be a lot better :)

    Your friend,

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