It Was Love At First Sight

by Tiffany Walker   Jul 12, 2007

Since the first day i met you, I
felt so in love.
And now that we're together again,I
am so much happier.
I'm so sure you're the one I want to
be with for life.
And one day be your faithful wife,
and family.
I feel like we're the only two souls on earth
when I'm with you.
You make me feel better than I really
am~like i could do anything in the world, and
it wouldn't matter.
And I'm wishing now or one day you feel
this way to.
Everything we've been through has made
us so much closer to each other as a person.
You mean everything to me and always will.
I want to be with you forever.
So never let me go, because i know as long
as i love you~which will be forever~ I'll never let you
I'll always be with you, as long
as you want me to.
......And i hope thats forever!!!!


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