My BABY BOY has chanGED

by SHoRTy   Jul 15, 2007

You come back from Paris and Ur not the same.You changed Ur way of dressing and even the way of being....
who has changed u? who erased what i had left in your heart?
the only thing i would like to know is who has changed Ur feelings?
u left and knowing only one language am glad u made such good progress. Glad u have learned another language.
what happen to u? who had confused Ur heart?
come tell me to my face everything has changed!
cause god is a witness u where nothing like who you are now!!! why do come back acting like T.I. , DADDY YANKEE, OR EVEN TU-PAC.
acting like our love never excited....


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  • 17 years ago

    by blackluv

    Wow that is really deep. im sry that that happened if its true. if it aint then wow you have very good thought and pation