Comments : Beatfuil night

  • 17 years ago

    by tashhh

    This is beautifullll (:

  • 17 years ago

    by Fsams

    I wonder whether you have deliberately written the heading wrong or misspelled. Make note of your and you're. The poem is anyways beautiful, short and sweet. tc


  • 17 years ago

    by Wake

    Love it..really like the imagery..well done...



  • 17 years ago

    by joe m durham

    Are u serious this is so gay lol ;) i like it alot loser ur good cuz ur my friend lol jk keep it up i ive u a 5 ur my dawg ruff ruff lol good job

  • 17 years ago

    by The Mr Simon

    Perhaps you won't miss if you look at him and not the stars? ^_^

    Nice but I would've re-written the longer lines so that the syllables conformed with the rest - that's the hard part! Sometimes the straightforward way of saying things is easy but it doesn't necessarily work poetically.
    Eg. "I wish this moment would last forever" has too many syllables, if you wrote something similar but more ambiguous like..
    "Could this last forever?"
    shorter, says the same bit a little less.

  • 17 years ago

    by Roxiee An

    I should be I
    what your telling me a
    it should be you are not your
    see grammar comes first in the poem cos it strikes the eyes

    Now talking about the feelings
    Its nice in the way you gave me a sight of a romantic night
    i was lost seeing the moon and being with someone special

    Good work
    Plz dont take the poetry lightly

    YOu can improve much being true as your friend

    Take Care
    and i think it should be you and me together and not you and I together
    hehe forgive me am not that god at english tryin to tell what i think i know
    i may be wrog also

    then the mood to read a poems ruins and you can imagine then the person goes into finding mistakes
    my psychology
    take in care these small things

  • 15 years ago

    by TwitcH

    A really good poem to fade away to the emotion while kissing...
    LoL! xD

    Definitely a short and sweet categorized.
    Well done,,,..


  • 15 years ago

    by Jay Perry Jr

    Beautiful poem