Comments : Beestfriends 4 life

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "To have a bestfriend in your face the whole time and not know it.
    To have a bestfriend who care and not afaid to show it."

    "Bestfriend" should be "Best friend".

    Third line: "care" should be plural and "afaid" should be "afraid".

    "A bestfriend who's there for you.
    When you have a problem they'll help you through."

    So true, best friends really help you get through the rough places of life.

    "The good times and bad times
    Through think and thin.
    A bestfriend is there with you till the very end."

    Well-expressed emotions, nice wording here.

    "That's why I love my bestfriend.
    We may argue but never fight
    That's why she's my bestfriend 4 life."

    "4" should be spelled out to "for", just proper grammar. 4/5 from me, a cute friendship poem about the joys of having a best friend. Keep writing...